i am hanging on every word you say @ 7:03 a.m. on 03.18.2005

There are some things I've found that I probably can't say in my livejournal. Having written in this journal feels like a lifetime ago. I don't know how it makes me feel but it's just there. I come to read Danielle's entries, but that's about it. Everyone else on my buddy list has stopped writing here or has it locked. Also, I made this layout very similar to my LJ one, what with the colors, picture of GERARD MY HUSBAND and the link attributes.

Anyway, I got a cell phone recently, after not having had one for quite some time I'm glad I finally got it. My job at Starbucks (oh yeah, figures eh?) doesn't pay me enough and I'm going insane because they keep stiffing me on hours. But I absolutely hated not having any communication with people.

College has been alright. It would be great if I would attend class. I keep slacking off and I know I'm going to pay for it dearly. I love SPC though... this organization I'm in. SPC stands for Student Programming Council, responsible for all the entertainment on campus. I got elected two weeks ago for Secretary of SPC for next year, putting me on E-Board and that has me excited. However, if my GPA is lower than 2.5, I'm screwed in the worst way.

I don't know what else to say. I go to work in 5 hours and I actually want it to come sooner... that's odd. I just want something to do.

the past & the future
